DAGGER 2 – A New Type of dependency injection – YouTube

A video (40 mins) about the new version of DAGGER, aka DAGGER 2. If you are not familiar with the concept of dependency injection this video will help you close the gap and learn why it’s good for your health 😉

Updating to the iOS 8 Search Controller – Use Your Loaf

A detailed overview of the new iOS8 Search Controller.

Maslow’s pyramid of code review

A great guide to what’s important while reviewing code. During code review people sometimes forget what’s really important. Print it, keep it.

Android RecyclerView Part 1: Fundamentals For ListView Experts | Big Nerd Ranch

RecyclerView is everywhere these days, it’s the ListView successor. So if you are still using ListView (I am), this is for you.

Swift 1.2 and Xcode 6.3 beta – Apple Developer Blog

Official news about the new beta version of Swift from Apple.
“Swift 1.2 is a major step forward … It does include some source-incompatible changes that require updates to your code,”