Updated Android Wear library

A short Google+ post on the new update for the Android wear library. In the end of the post you’ll find a handy list of links related to Android Wear development.

Google I/O 2015 – What’s New in Android Development Tools

All the information you need to know about Android Studio and Android development tools. Introducing Android Studio 1.3 preview version. Including: C++ support!, improved Gradle performance, how to use the new data binding features (in 90 seconds) and much more.

Android Design Support Library

A new support library for implementing material design, backward compatible! It includes the most common components: Collapsing Toolbars, Floating Action button and more.

GitUp – The Git interface you’ve been missing all your life has finally arrived

Still in pre-release status but this new Git interface looks very promising. Edit commit messages and advanced search are already in the feature list. FREE for now..

Brace Yourselves, New Android Compiler Is Coming

An overview of all the latest and upcoming trends in Android chips. Including information on a new optimized compiler for Android.


A strategy for working with string resources that’s optimized for supporting localization. It introduces a separate layer between the actual strings and the references to ensure that the development and translation processes will work in parallel.

How Not to Crash #2: Mutation Exceptions

A shot review of this annoying crash including some tips and suggestions on how to avoid them in the future (Hint: don’t return mutable collections).

Why your code is so hard to understand

A clear post about the problems we face when we write and read code. My favorite is “Problem #1, overly complex mental models”.